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toadinthehole 10:19 Thu Aug 6
Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
Why play a 2nd team? We can play the 1st team on Thursday and Sunday. It's a 3 day break and its exactly the same all the champions league team gets when they play.
Wednesday to Saturday (3 days)
Saturday to Tuesday (3 days)
Sunday to Wednesday (3 days)
3 days is absolutely enough to recover with all the physiotherapy available.

Clearly he wanted to go out of the competition, there is no other reason why he would field a 2nd team.

That begs the question, WHY?
I know the league is the priority but we're not going to win or get relegated (we could just go out later if we were in relegation trouble). We are going to finish mid table and safe so why not give the europa a crack? Another cup competition, more games to watch for the fans and more revenue.

We play the same teams every year and finally we get a chance to travel and watch our team play in Europe and Bilic just takes the piss and gets us knocked out before the season has even started

Absolutely fucking pathetic, I really hope he has more ambition in the other cup games.

People say we will be play better in the league this season if we go out. the last time we were in europe, we're got knocked out by palermo in the qualifiers and that set the tone for the whole season.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

SilverSurfer 1:40 Wed Aug 12
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
Fuck europe

chad sexington 7:47 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
Toads gone back to supporting Chelsea now Arsenal lost

Sir Alf 5:50 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
Football in the age of the T'Internet and social media, multi media sources of news etc. is kneejerk in the extreme. We lose against Leicester, and its possible, and The "Bilic Ahht " chants will be deafening once more.

Its yer modern day, entitlement culture where everyone wants more of everything cause they are being told they deserve it, they are a winner or if not they are a loser.

Wait 10 games before reaching any judgement let alone conclusion is my humble advice.

southwoodford 5:33 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
You're quiet today, Toad. Are you in your hole and afraid to come out?

Keith Lemon 2:46 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC

Steve P 2:28 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Regi, Kaks.

Iron Duke 2:21 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
I've got no problem with people giving constructive criticism on here. Bilic shouldn't be immune to it any more than any other ex-managers.

I do have a problem with those who completely wrote him off before the season properly started, and jumped on every opportunity to slag him off. Give him a chance for fuck sake.

Johnson 2:03 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Done by Rylan there, Kaka.

13 Brentford Rd 2:01 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Yeh he did at CB.


ironsofcanada 1:59 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Samuelson is strange one for me. Had some really good moments, was on the bench at home to Astra.

Not be seen since has he ?

BetterthanKaka 1:54 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Jenks played on Thursday?

Stick to hairdressing, son.

13 Brentford Rd 12:44 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Would Burke, Samualson, Jarvis, Amalfitano and Jenks (at RB) made any difference to yesterday if they had gone to Romania?
Certainly would have made a huge difference on Thurs though.

zico 12:17 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
I was as disappointed as anyone in going out of the Europa League but looking at our bench yesterday I can kind of understand that if we had played a Reid or Sakho and they had got injured we probably be wondering what the Manager was doing playing them. I'll trust Slav's judgement in future, but I do hope he takes the domestic cups seriously.

pdbis 12:10 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Would like to see us get a better backup keeper before the window closes in case Adrian picks up an injury.

13 Brentford Rd 12:02 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
I don't think anyone was calling for his head were they.
Just the disappointment of real fans with the club needlessly throwing away the chance of a rare european campaign in our last season at Upton Park.

Pervy McBeer 11:52 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
So glad that we won and silenced all the fans that were calling for his balding head after the Euro debacle. He did the right thing and it aid off. Yes, Allardyce may have done a similar thing and fielded weaker sides in games he wasn't bothered about winning but the difference there would be going to Arsenal and still losing, which renders the whole tactic useless.

Russ of the BML 10:11 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
Well I never enjoyed it yesterday as Keith Lemon said I never deserved any hint of success as I agreed with what Bilic did in The Euro qualifiers.

daveyg 10:07 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
I had no problem with the first XI not going.
It was the likes of Amalfitano, Burke and Samuelsen not playing. With those 3 in the side we would of won.
We would now be celebrating a fantastic week and looking forward to another European game.
This has been a great way for many fans to see the team.
Oxford would not have played yesterday if he hadn't played in Europe. Another couple of games for a few youngsters to show Slaven more of the same and bring back the likes of Obiang, Hendrie and Carroll from injury.

HairyHammer 8:07 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by Bilic
There are two sides to every story and I understand both those who felt annoyed with Bilic and those who did not care about Europe enough to have any anger at all.

No one is right no one is wrong but everyone whatever they think has the right to air out their grievances .

Monk~koknee 7:11 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Vexed is only dismissing the views of 'other cunts'. For anyone not fitting that description he may be interested. We don't have enough information to judge.

Ronald_antly 7:03 Mon Aug 10
Re: Absolutely disgusted by BILIC
Coffee 6:27 Mon Aug 10

Vexed doesn't care what you think!

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